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Take It To The MAX! Fitness & safety are top priority in New Providence!

Although it's the law, many health clubs choose to ignore it! Gyms, Crossfit studios, and healthclubs are all required to have staff properly trained in CPR, and must have an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) ready to go! Sadly, nearly half of the physical fitness businesses in NJ are breaking this rarely enforced law! But, there are some that go above and beyond what is required.

Today I had the pleasure of delivering a brand new AED to Allison who is the owner of The MAX in Union/Springfield and a new location opening in April in New Providence. recently trained her entire staff in CPR, use of an AED, choking relief, basic first aid, and Epi-Pen administration for allergic reactions. These locations will also be conducting regular suprise drills to make sure everyone is ready to act, and have the confidence and knowledge to handle an emergency and save lives!

THE MAX Challenge is a 10-week body and mind renewal system. This system is designed to make fast and lasting changes to your appearance and overall well-being. They do this by combining nutrition counseling, fitness classes and motivation. Being part of ‘THE MAX’ is like having a personal trainer, nutritional counselor and success coach.

AED's can increase the survival rate of Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) by 75% if used within 5 minutes of onset. Each year, 326,200 people in the U.S. experience SCA, and nine out of 10 victims die. This is roughly equivalent to the number of people who die from Alzheimers’ disease, assault with firearms, breast cancer, cervical cancer, colorectal cancer, diabetes, HIV, house fires, motor vehicle accidents, prostate cancer and suicides combined. In fact, the incidence of sudden cardiac death is nearly 10 times higher than the incidence of death from breast cancer.

Faster and easier access to AED's will change this statistic! has developed a Public Access Defibrillator Program to help make AED's available to the public in places lwhere SCA is most likely to occur. This includes places where AED's are not currently required by law, but pose the greatest risk of SCA occurence.

Allison's decision to train her staff and have an AED will mean the difference between life and death for someone if an emergency should happen, and EMERGENCIES DO HAPPEN! The MAX is an amazing program with amazing results, helping people live healthier lives! Stop by and visit Allison, and you will see what sets them apart from the rest! We applaud you for your dedication to safety and emergency preparedness!

The MAX of New Providence

1275 Springfield Avenue

New Providence, NJ 07974


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